May 13,2017

The basic element in creating a healthy company culture – discussed in Part I of the Culture Series – is positive employee experiences and the constructive shift in  Read more

Apr 04,2017

The word “culture,” according to Merriam-Webster, came in as the most searched word in 2014 and it remains in the top 1 percent of all online-dictionary searches. A  Read more

ergo lifting
Dec 15,2016

Lifting aids and engineering solutions can help workers minimize the amount of weight they have to carry, but the biggest cause of back injuries isn’t carrying too much—it’s using  Read more

Dec 15,2016

Whether running, jumping, squatting or kneeling, the activities we do every day are made possible because of our muscles, tendons and bones. These three components all connect to  Read more

shoulder imbalance
Dec 15,2016

Anatomy Overview

The shoulder is one of the largest and most complex joints in the body. The shoulder joint is formed where the humerus or upper arm bone fits into  Read more
